
  1. HealthTech Company

The company is building the first decision support and validation platform for Doctors and Psychiatrists focused on the mental health industry.

As a company they have begun focusing on Depression, which is the number 1 issue in mental health today. The company, has built a platform that uses a Machine Learning (ML) combinatorial approach to generate algorithms which predict patient response to antidepressants. The company’s platform is a SaaS platform that provides Doctors and Psychiatrists within minutes a validation and decision support report for the best drug recommendation for the patient.

One of the very few companies to receive 2 grants for innovation from the European Union. 

Round Size – $2M

2. HealthTech Device

The company was created to treat a wide range of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders (Migraine, Depression, ADHD, Insomnia) in any setting. The platform enables the streaming of important information from the device through an app to a cloud database. The platform gathers data from multiple users and analyzes it through an AI Ecosystem. This then closes the loop by allowing the physician to personalize and fine-tune treatment for every patient. The company has made outstanding progress in a very short period of time, with a very conservative spend and outstanding clinical results. This technology will fulfill a huge unmet need and play in a multi-billion dollar market dominated by pharmaceuticals, both for Migraine and Depression.

Round Size – $10M