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About The Company

Welcome to Royalo Group, founded in 2014 by visionary entrepreneur Dorin Mandelbaum.

Our company has been a trailblazer in diverse fields, including connecting investors and entrepreneurs, and active involvement in the real estate sector.

Connection between investors and entrepreneurs

At Royalo Group, we’ve cultivated a dynamic network across various industries, continuously evaluating projects and presenting them to potential partners. Simultaneously, we specialize in identifying ventures and companies aligned with investors’ interests and strategies.

Our commitment extends to investments ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars. With a stringent set of criteria, we meticulously examine ventures, ensuring only those meeting the highest standards progress to the next phase. From initial assessment to final signing and throughout the project’s lifecycle, we provide unwavering support.

Real Estate Expertise: From Small to Grand Ventures

In addition to our prowess in connecting investors and entrepreneurs, Royalo Group is proud to be a leading force in the real estate sector. As accomplished real estate agents, we consistently provide high-value services, handling a spectrum of deals, from small-scale projects to significant, multimillion-dollar transactions.

Connecting Businesses, Dreams & Money

At Royalo Group, our mission goes beyond transactions; we connect businesses, dreams, and money.

Whether you’re an investor seeking opportunities or an entrepreneur with a vision, Royalo Group is your partner in turning dreams into reality.

Explore the vast opportunities with us and embark on a journey where success is not just a destination but a shared experience.

In the words of William James:

“We are like an island in the sea: spread on the surface, connecting in the deep.”